shine life skill

What we Do

Our programs can help the children to create aspirations for the future. providing opportunities for career exploration and educational enhancement, lack of quality skills that are required for a       child to grow a global citizen of the country capable of managing self and contributing to the society, motivated us to develop a comprehensive package that can be readily adapted by the schools and colleges. when implemented as part of the curriculum, it can help to develop the students in to citizens of this world.

Life skill program - Duration : One Year

Life skill program - Duration : One Year

Teachers Workshop - Duration : One Day


Personal Counselling

Staff as Trainer


Term Program – Duration : Three Terms


Methods of Training

The method used in teaching of life skills builds upon the social learning theory and on what we know of how young people learn from their environment., from observing how others behave and what consequences arise from behaviour.

It involves the process of participatory learning using 4 basic components